Friday, January 30, 2009

Wee low's 21 n gather-gather...

It was a wonder gathering last night... with some of my old schoolmates...
besides, we also celebrated wee low's 21 birthday, seem like belated birthday, but she purposely come from Perak to meet with us... so gam dong... actually planned to go Kek Lok Si Temple to have a look at it's Thousands Lamp during night ...
unluckily, planning changed. so we met up in McD...haha
Have so much Fun Time with them , some of them purposely come back from Sabah, Johor, Selangor, Kedah , Perak...
To Celebrate CNY. ^^

After celebrate wee low's bd, we went to find ah jet ( tao gkeh kia of chim bee ) at his shop to drink tea...
chit n chat till 12am... den need to say bye bye again... most of them have to fly back to Sabah UMS d ... sob sob ... ^^ but we come to a "PLAN"
seem like so excited ....
the Plan is .....Go Sabah Climb Mount Kinabalu and diving, rafting there... haha..but still under consideration when to go ...

Wee Low n her 21st Cake...

Group Photo at McD

4 Girls so ai bin... ^^ haha
from left SH,SH,WL,JL

Finally,they look at me d... ops is my camera..(-.-)"

Have a photo with Keng chye, wee low n Kah boon ..^^

Love tat night much .. ^^

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some feeling bout ...trip,reunion,course,UTAR

Wow, it was very tired last night ...
yesterday, i followed my sis and her friends went to ipoh ... early in the morning 5 am have to wake up d... they went there just for "dim sum" , lost world tambun, taogeh chicken, salted chicken for whole day,

but, for me, i din follow them for Lost world tambun, after dropped them off at LWB, i plan to go back my house in kampar to do some stuff, but i forgot brought my house's keys... luckly joanne was in ipoh, so i managed to get those keys from her...

back to kampar , i was very tired... a night b4 that i din have enuf sleep... since when i reach kampar, i have to set up all my things , inlude my new pc and old printer, table lamb and some software. after that, went for a bath then have a short nap...

at tat moment, i planned to visit my "mother's mother's young sister" in Pusing , which a place in Perak near Melembung( dunno how to spell ), start my journey to visit them..

from kampar, i went along the old road till simpang pulai... i turn into batu gajah's junction, cos i wanna to try a new road to pusing without passing through Ipoh. but somehow i drove over when i reach bandar seri iskandar, i straight away went to Parit where a tiny kampung there .
I was Stunned...-.-" so lepak around there asking ppl to help..... muahaha quite lame...

wasted so much petrol for a wrong direction heading...den after that ma cant visit my relative d lo... cos too late d . so have to go back fetch them ..
mana tau ? jusco ipoh there quite a lot of cars stucked on the road. the traffics were totally jammed .

from 1 pm depart , 4 pm only can reach LWB. the time taken just like from Penang to KL pulak..
after eating taogeh chicken and bought some salted chicken . now i have to full speed a head to ruch back penang for my brother scouts' reunion....

i took 1 hour to reach juru toll from jelapang toll at ipoh...walau i dunno how fast i was driving.
just know that i kept followed the car in front only..

i reach penang bridge toll, WTH , it was damn jammed ... need bout 20 mins leh to cross the toll till reached penang island.
rushing back and went out again to that reunion d...

i was suprisingly, so less ppl meh ? 10 ++ only wor for those who went fro reunion. Normally it were more than 20 ppl ++ , but is ok la.
some of them were busying for exam in college and uni.
some how chat with them something relate bout Engineering Course ...

most important, i can feel that their hard work paid to study Engineering Course.

Besides sleeping,eating,shitting,bathing... all is bout study, in order to get cgpa 3.50 above
every semester, the college terminated at least 10++ ppl from E.Engineering course.
they shared some experiences bout EMF, PI coding, Engineering Material, Digital, Mechanical, and a lot alot ... the most killing is EMF ( Electro Magnetic Field "Failed" ) seem like it is not "play play" to study engineering course.
although, my Computer Engineering is under Bachelor if IT, but the things we study is 65%~80% similar to E.Eng. the only not same is , we study more programming coding and database structure.

Looking back in Utar Kampar....why quite a number of ppl cant catching up with it in some Engineering course ?
for me , i think is the ENVIRONMENT of study ...
for those who study Engineeing like me (mine is computer engineering la), most of the really pro in Engineering student din at kampar we cant Get some positive partical of study Engineering from them , cos all of them are in Setapak in KL.
Most of the student we interact with are student from ART, SOCIAL SCIENCE,MANAGEMENT AND ADMIN...
how can we receive the "Engineering Partical/soul/spirit/contact" from that environment ?
all tat we can do is bout saling membantu in UTAR kampar with E.Eng, Computer Science, and those Bac. IT ppl only . our source of information bout Eng. and Tech. are limited, cos all the seniors are in setapak.
So, need to work harder with ourselve d .. if not getting worst and worst in future semester d.
abo eat urself ...
all i hope is , UTAR can u quickly transfer all those Eng. student come Kampar ? cos we need more sources, more information, more advise from them .
and also can feel the soul of Eng. here ..
p/s some advise for me also for CT , have to put more effort in study d, abo future sem will b


ok ok , let's dont talked so much serious thing here d ...

haha ^^ ..
share some of my reunion photo here... enjoyed..
mayb... ^^

behind :- Eugene Tham, Wei Sheng( malaysia DotA championship 1st runner up,nickname - OWS), ME, Yee Sheng ( current study Advance Dip. in E.Eng in TARC setapak)
front : Ghee Onn ( current study degree in Mechanical Eng. in MMU,Melaka), Youn Shier ( waiting for stpm result ) , Keng Chye ( current study Environment Tech in USM, Penang.

Wei sheng posting himself as "tua pek gong"
Wei Sheng: " I am waiting ppl challenge me Team Game in DotA, Come la "

behind - CB aka woon choon ( Degree in Mechatronic Eng. in PSDC now), Yee Sheng, Yi Chin, Eugene, Earnest.
Front- Ghee Onn, Hin Mung ( current study E.Eng in MMU, Cyberjaya), Wei Sheng, Me

Another Photo of Us

Added some girls, front left - unknown, youn sheir, unknown, unknown,unknown
(cos not really know their name)

anotother pose

Finally , some late comers, pink shirt - Dominic Chew ( current study E.Eng in MMU, Cyberjaya), red shirt with words "NOT FIRST BUT BEST" - Wei Min, and sitter with red slive and white centered - Ah Hia aka Chen Siang( current at UTAR, Chemistry Y1S1)

After writing so much, suddenly feel so ... dunno how to describe. we all grown up together from form 1 as a scout till form 5 . and yet some until form 6.
although we not 100% complete in attendance. but our heart and soul will 100% stick together untill the end..thank you so much my brothers...remember

Thanks again for organising the reunion...

see u all next year Chinese New Year 2010...

Happy Chinese New Year 2009 !! ^^

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year New Start !?

Few days b4 CNY, that was friday, most of my housemate went back hometown d, left me and guan...doing some FAI things there till saturday afternoon
but besides, thanks to joanne's furniture that turn up our house living room like "a house"
if not , whose house like empty house... have nothing but ppl...(a bit kua chang )

now the living room is 70% furnish.. with sofa, tv table, dining table & chairs
it looks more comfortable d as a house...

why new year new start ?
this is the main point i gonna talk bout it ...
this CNY holiday week...i call my sis' bf help me to build up a desktop, so i have to bring my old pc back penang d. so i carry the cpu along the way back from kampar to penang.
during the way back penang, i put cpu in the storage below the bus.

after i reached my house , the next day i wanna transfer all my thing to my new pc..
i found that my old harddisk CURRUPTED... what the .....
only some files in it couldn't read/transfer/ that folder include my life time pictures folder that contain bout 2 gb of my most memorable photo....WTH..

Who can help me now ? to recover all the files/folders inside my harddisk ...?


Pause... ... ... long din blog IN d ...

after university life started again...i pause my blogging d ...why ?
cos i move to my new house from West Lake to East Lake in Kampar new town d .

my new house that is empty , not even can online. so it is hardly for me to online at there.

besides, also super busy will reports, assignment and project... and also society and home.
mayb for this semester, i would no longer so free as for me in sem 1 ,
now must put more hard work in sem 2 d.

new environment in East Lake, for me , it is a nice place for me to concentrate my studies.
not much entertainment there, and not much fren there ( mayb doing assignment will b have some prob) , but overall is nice . the weather is cool and the sun come out in the time it suppose to b.

talk some bout my course, this semester , i will taking 5 subject
-Electronic Devices I
by Dr. Aissa ( the only foreign lecturer in UTAR kampar i think from Canada )

-Data structure and algorithms
by Mr. Alex Ooi (L) & Mr. Frankie Tey (P)

-Digital circuits and systems
by Mr. Kuek ( some ppl describe him quarter quarter nuts )
next year,Y2S1, Another QUARTER NUTS will teach us, but not Kuek.
so hor, Computer Engineering's Student will be SUFFER d....

-Math I ( repeat )
by Mr. Yop

-Pendidikan Moral
by Mr. Muthualagan

-Math II ( go for class but cant sit for exam, becos math I get F )
by Mr. Yeoh

the most i hate is F, drag my cgpa down a lot a lot ...and have to repeat somemore.
but this is reality ...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is That ?

G ??

Last night or early morning of 8th is bout 2.45am~3.00am
somebody fly into my room...
Actually it fly into my room last night also d, but b4 i can took the video of a lizard facing with it,
it already gone from my room after i took my camera come.
so 2nd time i saw it, i quickly took down some pictures and video to share with u all ^^

start to crawling out from plastic
the insect feeler so long.

It was moving slowly on SunShine Big sticker

Trying to start fly d..

It fly towards me and my camera, scared me that time.
I jump off the floor to my bed and continue my observation near 3.00am in the morning.

The abdomen part is bout 1.5 inches long.
The Thorax and Head part is bout 0.5 inch long.
The Antenna is bout 2.5 inches long each...

It was cleaning it's let by licking on it ?

On wall...

Insect anatomy scheme

A- Head
B- Thorax
C- Abdomen

  1. antenna
  2. ocelli (lower)
  3. ocelli (upper)
  4. compound eye
  5. brain (cerebral ganglia)
  6. prothorax
  7. dorsal artery
  8. tracheal tubes (trunk with spiracle)
  9. mesothorax
  10. metathorax
  11. first wing
  12. second wing
  13. mid-gut (stomach)
  14. heart
  15. ovary
  16. hind-gut (intestine, rectum & anus)
  17. anus
  18. vagina
  19. nerve chord (abdominal ganglia)
  20. Malpighian tubes
  21. pillow
  22. claws
  23. tarsus
  24. tibia
  25. femur
  26. trochanter
  27. fore-gut (crop, gizzard)
  28. thoracic ganglion
  29. coxa
  30. salivary gland
  31. subesophageal ganglion
  32. mouthparts

This Video kinda short, but it show it moving on floor...

I suspect that it came from Cerambycidae; also known as long-horned beetles or, more archaically, longicorns , that is Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) (ALB)

"" ""

The Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) (ALB) is native to China and other areas of eastern Asia, where it causes widespread mortality of poplar, willow, elm, and maple trees.

The beetle, known as the Starry Sky or Sky Oxen beetle in China, is a large black insect, with white spots dashed irregularly on its elytra (wing covers). Adults are typically 1–1.5 inches (2.5–3.8 cm) long. The distinctive long antennae that give the beetle its common name are as long as the body in females and almost twice the body length in males.

The ALB is considered an invasive species in North America, where it is a serious threat to many species of deciduous hardwood trees. During the larval stage, the ALB bores deep into a tree's heartwood, where it feeds on the tree's nutrients. The tunneling damages and eventually kills the tree. Tree species considered ALB host species include all species of maple (Norway, sugar, silver, and red maple) as well as horse-chestnut, poplar, willow, birch, London plane tree, mountain-ash, mimosa (silk tree), and elm.

While the Asian longhorned beetle can fly for distances of 400 yards (400 m) or more in search of a host tree, they tend to lay eggs in the same tree from which they emerged as adults, migrating only when population density becomes too high. During the summer months, a mated adult ALB female chews 35 to 90 individual depressions into the host tree's bark and lays an egg in each of the pits. The eggs hatch in 10-15 days and the white, caterpillar-like larvae tunnel into the tree's phloem and cambium layers beneath the tree bark. After several weeks, the larvae tunnel deeper in the tree's heartwood where they mature into pupae. The pupae hatch into adults inside the tree over the winter months. The full-grown adult ALBs chew their way out of the tree the next spring and summer, as early as May and as late as October or November, depending on climate. In the process, they leave perfectly round exit holes that are approximately 1 cm (3/8") in diameter.

Signs of Asian longhorned beetle infestation include: the perfectly round, 2 cm exit holes; frass, a sawdust-like material comprised of tree shavings and insect waste; and oozing sap. Dead and dying tree limbs or branches and yellowing leaves when there has been no drought also signal ALB infestation. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) research indicates this beetle can survive and reproduce in most sections of the country where suitable host trees exist.

"" ""
-source from wikipedia.

After that i take a ruler lure it move on to it, den sent it way out of window..
Let it go find back it's sweet home.
but jangan-jangan kat rumahku ..haha ^^

It is kinda funny right ?
Cos i am a Natural Lover...^^ Any creature tat is unique, then i will looked more detail bout it d ... ^^

Last ??

today isn't last day for me in Penang ?
ya, it is.

what am I doing after final exam sept 2008 Utar ?
  • organising buddhist society camp of Utar
  • went KL visit my virtual & real life frenz at subang jaya,setapak
  • went to watch the General Meeting/Election of MCA
  • went KL to watch 称赞如来 with some frenz.
  • went back Kampar 2 times and ipoh 2 times.
  • Helping at my uncle there.
  • work as part time waiter.
  • Attend some Speech and Talks.
  • take 2 exam PCEIA & CEILI
  • went to Than Hsiang camp to be 爱心哥姐
  • Facing PC sometimes...
Gonna pack up some thing back Kampar tmr d...
Miss Penang's food, frenz, relative, and working colleague...

^^ haha...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reason Of Buckle up Behind !?

Starting 1st of Jan 2009 ...
most of the driver and passengers need to tide up seat belt ...abo will get saman
what kinda law is that ...
mayb economy not good enuf for this year la ...
some of the Electronic field worker have to resign and become Mata d ...
why ? bcos they might can drink one more cup kopi with this law enforced ..

But not say not good also la , buckle up behind also one of the way to reduce the injuries done to passengers also la ...abo ur seat belt do what ? just decoration ?

this idea really good lo,
it may bring up the economy ?
-factory can produce more anchorage point and seat belt for those who need it.
-our mata can have one more "reason" to "catch" ppl ^^ . More kopi drink = more ppl might join the defence force. den uncertianly reduce the jobless graduater ...^^

Viewing back last time, when u are small or you are young...
that time not every ppl need to buckle up infront and behind the seat...but soon, after the law enforced for so many years... i think more ppl also get use to the "systems" d la XD.

Soon, 5 or 10 years later, ur children or later generation, will also get use to this kinda "systems" d...

just mayb at starting , ppl just feel terror to that " 30 thousands" (saman) that penalty RM300 nia... soon mayb they will easily get rid of it by paying less than RM300 la... haha ...

But overall, Malaysian Gov worry bout her children so much .. why ? take care of their "safety" ma...cos they cant repair the road so fast, so try to call u all take care of urself 1st la , before they finish repair the "king king kong kong's " road after heavy rain .... ^^

p/s. No offence againts anyone

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Eve...=.=

This year new year eve...haiz...haha
quite bored this time if compare to last year.
From morning wake up , quite steam also ( last night i vomited all my dinner out due to mayb stomach got problem i think ) ... have my breakfast den watch movie ( ape ni ? watch movie ? what kinda....) after that plan to go red box with my sister at Gurney, sweat !! =="
when i on9 to view the charges of the day, there showed super peak seasons. okay thats fine.
phoned to red box there ... "sry, today all full d" (walau , afternoon 12pm also full till midnight ? )
ok loh...
12pm ++ Acc my sis go gurney, wait her to trim her eyes brown + shopping pulak ...till 4pm
den again acc my sis go make a new spec, again have to wait her.. while waiting her spec to be done, we when Gama shopping pulak ( girl damn like to shopping huh ? )

after getting her new spec done, it was 7pm when reached home...lolz so tired after shopping ( actually quite sienz)

after that have a rest, take my dinner + bath...
start celebrate year 2009 at own house =.=" with those chestnut i bought from Gama and 1 bottle of something like 100 plus . thats how during time 9.30pm ~10.45pm....

Finally , i pass my New Year with watching "OL Nippon - ep no.9" with my sis ...( what the ... )
why this year so so so bored one...seem like no ppl inviting me out, or mayb it is also the same even go out to celebrate, cos every year also d same...
saw ppl spray here and there, and view the also the same's fireworks...also the same's Traffic jammed... also the same's so clouded ... also the same's place count down ( this year added QueensBay Mall )
But one thing that totally not same is the YEAR...

between, the scene i most dislike is some "BrainLess*" ppl throwing those spray cans into the Gurney Drive Seaside sea... this is totally "ahkailess*". not only new year eve but also christmas eve...
yet the CFC that release out from the spray cans ...( i think i dont want talk more bout it d)

but last year was not the same...i countdown for new year in CAR, with radio ... muahaha ...
cos we cant made it in time to reach the countdown place ^^...

In a nut shell, actually is not every thing the same also la ... every year we grown more older, time might changed the environment & people.

Reviewing back last year(2008) , i feel that i learned quite lot of this via this materialistic society, but i cannot forget also the kindly help from all my friends ... even though it is quite tough last year, but i manage to bring myself life back again from sadness & sorrow.

so for this year(2009), i want it to be getting better and better than before, beside physically and mentally growth and also emotionally controlable.

Self Discipline or 修“止” for this year(2009)
Cos going to 21 years old d.

To 2009 , Cheers !!