Wednesday, July 21, 2010

jaga diri...

dah minggu ke-8 la... aku masih belum sedia semua ni,
dah hari ni makin dekat...
kan aku tau, berdikari, tak payah lah orang lain tegur lagi kan /.\
dah 22 ni, ingat masa tu aku masuk uni, apa yg aku nak ?
dah sampai skrg ni, aku pun belum capai lagi.
hanya satu-satu ni saja.
masa ni, hang semua tengah buat apa? bersoronok ke? belajar ke ?
dah lebih dari satu bulan aku tak balik pinang le.
tiap-tiap hari kat depan komputer, tengok langit kat tingkap kiri aku
hidup manusia ni pelik la? bila aku nak balik ke "zaman gila buku" aku?
berat kerja khusus dah makin banyak, buku yg kena baca lagi meningkat.
oi... dah sampai masa pergi buat pengajian pelaran la...

okay saja ni la, bila berdepan dgn apa-apa pun
aku kena tenangkan hati aku, dan lihat betul-betul
baru saja buat keputusan.
sama dengan hang juga... berusaha lagi .. ^^

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Power up...

again again i 'm telling myself...
get to work more harder.
I need to gain the strength from confidence.
work ? study ?
no no no ... i should have to start my study long ago.
now ? I'm proceeding to another level, another stage,
another form of life...
that is what i going to be.

it is almost there, going for my last birthday in my university life...
it's just a starting point of life.
changes all along the path.
next year's today's date... i might b somewhere in the industrial zone d.
back to now... going for my FYP...
and enjoy the last year life in university ...

time passes fast...
it is year 3 already ...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Power low...

the fuel getting lower and lower...
the concentration getting lesser and lesser...
are u with me ?
where r u now ?
where are u, my heart ?
the efficiency getting low...

where is ur heart ?
how long have you been never with ur heart ?
ah seng... week 5 going to end lo...
where r u ?